Pick 7: Toronto Raptors ML (1.529 Pinnacle)
The Toronto Raptors should emerge as the winners in this matchup against the Charlotte Hornets.
Although the Hornets will enjoy the advantage of playing at home, their seven-game losing streak at Spectrum Center prior to the All-Star break does raise some concerns.
Additionally, Charlotte also sees some key players out of the rotation due to injury. Considering their short rotation in general, the Hornets may struggle to find legitimate contributors to influence proceedings.
Pick 7: Toronto Raptors ML (1.529 Pinnacle)
The Toronto Raptors should emerge as the winners in this matchup against the Charlotte Hornets.
Although the Hornets will enjoy the advantage of playing at home, their seven-game losing streak at Spectrum Center prior to the All-Star break does raise some concerns.
Additionally, Charlotte also sees some key players out of the rotation due to injury. Considering their short rotation in general, the Hornets may struggle to find legitimate contributors to influence proceedings.
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