Load management has become a hot topic in the NBA in recent years, with more and more teams opting to rest their star players in order to preserve their health and longevity. While this practice may be beneficial for the players and teams in the long run, it has negative impacts on fans and bettors.

One of the main issues with load management is that it can lead to a lack of continuity and predictability in the league. When star players are frequently sitting out games, it becomes harder for fans to get a sense of which teams are truly the best, and which matchups will be the most exciting. This can also lead to confusion and frustration for fans who have purchased tickets to see a particular player, only to find out that the player is not playing that night.

Load management also affects the betting industry, as the absence of star players can greatly impact the outcome of games, making it harder for bettors to predict the results and make informed decisions. This can lead to disappointment and frustration for bettors who have placed bets on games that are affected by load management.

Another issue with load management is that it can lead to a lack of parity in the league. When top teams are able to rest their best players more frequently, it gives them an unfair advantage over other teams, making it harder for teams to compete and for fans to enjoy a more balanced league.

Overall, while load management may be beneficial for the players and teams in the long run, it has negative impacts on fans and bettors. It creates a lack of continuity, predictability and parity in the league and it is frustrating for fans who have purchased tickets and bettors who placed bets on games that are affected by it.

It is important for the NBA to find a balance between keeping players healthy and providing fans and bettors with a fair and exciting league. This could include rules or guidelines for teams to follow, such as limiting the number of games that a player can sit out or providing more advanced notice for when a player will be sitting out a game or going to a shorter schedule reducing back to back games.